Thursday, 3 July 2014

1) What were the five stories your group chose to broadcast?
Greenford news story: The new Year 11 Video has been released
National news story: Mobile phone operators could be made to share their networks with rural areas of the UK
London news story: The Met police told staff to delete records on sex and race discrimination against 35 year old Carol Howard.
Sports news story: Barcelona begun the discussions with Liverpool over a deal for striker Luis Suarez
Funny news story: A hungry bear managed to get his head stuck in a Cookie jar

2) For each story above, explain WHY you chose that particular story and not something else. Why would it interest a Greenford audience? 
Greenford news story: We chose this story because…it is something the whole of Greenford High school (students and teachers) would enjoy and would want to talk about unlike the sports day which would only appeal to some teachers who are in years 7-9 and students in years 7-9 
National news story: We chose this story because…it would start discussion between everyone on whether they would like or agree with the fact that they would want it. Which would involve all students.
London news story: We chose this story because…its something that students are most likely to do (discriminate against someone due to their race or sex) especially considering our audience is Greenford High School students and teachers
Sports news story: We chose this story because…Suarez is a very famous player, who is currently playing in the World Cup so updates about him would have been effective to use in the 60 news for Greenford high school.
Funny news story: We chose this story because… it is something quite pointless to add to such a factual 60 update which makes it funny to include.

3) What order did you broadcast the stories in? Why did you place the stories in that order?
  1. National News story
  2. London News Story
  3. Sports News Story
  4. Greenford News Story
  5. Funny News Story
We put the stories in this order because it starts very open to whoever wants to concentrate to more personal which would keep them watching it for longer, especially to end with something funny.
Now think about your writing, editing, broadcasting and group work.

4) How did you make sure the script was the right length?
We made sure the script was the right length by timing each time Shivam said the script, to make sure it was 60 seconds.

5) How did you make sure each story was clear and easy to understand?
We made sure each story was clear and easy to understand by using language which would be understood by teachers but also be appealing to students. Also, we summarised each article and rephrased it so it was easy to understand.

6) How did you make sure the broadcast was professional?
We made sure the broadcast was professional by using a range of language such as an introduction of himself at the beginning and body language that shivam (the news reader: performer) used.

7) What was your specific role in the group?
My role within the group was the journalist so I had to write up the script of what the performer was going to say.

8) Rate your group’s ability to work collaboratively out of 5 (1=poor, 5=excellent)
Considering that our group worked well together and delegating different jobs for each person, so on a scale of one to 5 I genuinely think we worked at a 4/5. 

9) How could your group have worked more effectively as a team?
My work could have worked more effectively by communicating better within the group; the whole of the group.

10) Finally, what would you have done differently if you were given the opportunity to do this again?
If I had the chance to repeat the project we did I would manage the time better as we went over time and didn't manage to record our final piece in the first double period. Other than this I think we worked effectively as a group.

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