Saturday, 20 September 2014

Shot by shot

Shot One:
Medium Close up (MCU)
The medium close up allows the audience to vaguely see the facial expressions of the characters along with the background to see other characters and establish where the scene has been located. The faces of the characters portray the emotion of anger or shock. The surroundings that the audience is able to see portrays the idea that they are enclosed and trying to catch someone or something - Tom Cruise - Also it Dowd us that they are in some sort of danger add they are wearing helmets which is visible due to the type of close up - medium close up.

Shot Two:
Establishing shot (ES)/ Long Shot(LS)
The establishing shot enables the audience to understand the location of the scene which is a car surrounded by many buildings however this could also be a long shot as it is close enough to 'tell' the audience that the focus is on the car. The bright light you can see on a specific section of the building and the rest of the  building is quite dim, which shows that where the car is, is enclosed which many people can't enter or see very easily. This shot made the audience question where specifically the car is parked.

Shot Three:
Close up (CU)
The close up allows the audience to witness the characters facial expressions and emotion which seems to be unsure or uncertain. This is showing one aspect of the character which his his face. As the audience - due to the type of shot - can only see the face of the main character it shows that the character is trapped by many people or an obstruction.

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