Tuesday, 12 May 2015

News values: notes

In 1965, media researchers Galtung & Ruge analysed news stories to find out what factors placed them at the top of the news agenda.

They came up with the following list of news values - a kind of scoring system to work out what might become news. A story which scores highly on each value is likely to be at the top of a TV news bulletin. Some of the news values they suggested include:

Bad news - involving death, tragedy, natural disasters or political upheaval - is rated above 'positive' stories (royal weddings etc.)

Closeness to home
Audiences relate more to stories that are close to their home, or involve people from their country.

How recently did it happen? TV news is very competitive about breaking news – although it is now beaten by social media.

Simple stories are preferred by TV news.  Palestine is complicated, a plane crash is easy to follow.

‘Dog bites man’ is not news. ‘Man bites dog’ is. Unusual stories make it into the news – especially if there is good video to go with it.

Elite nations or people
Stories that focus on important countries or people are likely to make the news. Obama and USA = news, Outer Mongolia not so much.

24 hour TV news

There are some critical differences between a regular news bulletin and 24 hour news:

  • A bulletin contains carefully constructed ‘news packages’ and fully scripted presentation
  • 24 hour TV news is perfect for live, breaking news as it happens
  • 24 hour TV news is more dependent on dramatic pictures or video that will grab the audience and keep them watching

News values blog task

For each of the six news values we have learned, find a clip on YouTube from Sky News (24 hour news) and explain how it fits that news value. The Sky News YouTube channel is here.



The Germanwings plane crash fits many of the news values but particularly negativity. Any major transport disaster that kills a large number of people is likely to become a huge news story. This is because it contains death, tragedy, dramatic images and also creates questions for the audience in terms of what went wrong and why the plane crashed.

Extension work

Use the Mediaknowall website to research the other news values that Galtung and Ruge came up with and find examples from Sky News for each of those.

News Values


This is a clear example of a 'negative' news story as it shows an example of a bad news story as it is an example of a couple of death's this is proven through the way in which they announce it. Besides the fact that the shooting was in Texas because it is big news it is a big news story


This is a clear example that is close to home which was a very important news story regarding Great Britain as a new baby was introduced into the royal family and was named straight away which is a very  important story as it is based in the UK/England where many London citizens will be glad to see it. Also, due to the fact that it is situated in London and they had their baby in a hospital in London it makes it important news and big news.

This is a successful example of an 'immediate' news story as the General Election had made a huge build up of the General Election 2015 therefore any 'new' news that is announced is important and is counted as immediate news as most national viewers would want to be aware of what the government is doing and would want to be 'up-to-date' with the General election as it could also, affect the way in which the UK live their everyday lives.


Besides the fact that this is a sad story, it is easy to follow as the main headline for this story was a tragic earthquake in Nepal. This is a simple story due to a wide range of audiences know where Nepal is and know what an earthquake is therefore as the news presents small details as they unravel over the days in which aid and help is being given to Nepal everyone is capable to follow the story.

This is a successful example of a 'unique' story as it peculiar for a random women in Australia to kiss the Prince of England, this is what strangely makes it news as no one would expect this to make news, however due to how unpredictable the story is makes it news. This was something that the member of the audience and also Prince Harry didn't predict or didn't almost expect to happen.

Planning a TV news running order: blog task

Name the TV news programme you created a running order for in this morning's lesson.
BBC News at six
List the five stories you chose and explain why you chose each one.
  1. A passenger plane has gone missing whilst flying over the south pacific towards Australia. Four British people are believed to be on board.
  2. Buckingham Palace has announced Prince Harry's engagement.
  3. A women has been convicted of murdering her husband. He was a wealthy banker and she a stay-at-home mum.
  4. An anti-austerity march against government cuts has been help in London today and was attended by 50,000 people. 
  5. A well known politician has been named on Twitter as being investigated by police for fraud. 
Use the Uses and Gratifications theory to explain why ONE of the stories appeals to the target audience for that programme.
'A passenger plane has gone missing whilst flying over the south pacific towards Australia. Four British people are believed to be on board.' this is an example of uses and gratification: Blumer and Katz theory of surveillance as it is important news which should be informed to the audience of the British which is useful news.  
Now choose one of the other TV news programmes we have focused on and choose a five-story running order for that programme. The four TV news programmes are:

  • Channel 4 News
  • BBC News at Six
  • BBC3 60 Second News
  • BBC Newsround

The available stories are:

  • A tweet by Miley Cyrus telling a fan to ‘get a life’ has started a ‘Twitter storm’.
  • Israel has shelled a residential area of Gaza killing around 25 civilians.
  • Gunfire has been reported on the streets of Moscow although no there are no details as yet regarding who has opened fire or why.
  • A well-known politician has been named on Twitter as being investigated by police for fraud.
  • Cheryl Cole has announced she is pregnant.
  • David Cameron’s office has announced he will be visiting Washington next week to meet President Obama.
  • An anti-austerity march against government cuts has been held in London today and was attended by 50,000 people. The protest was calm.
  • A new series of BBC drama Sherlock achieved record viewing figures last night.
  • Lady Gaga is in London and has been spotted jogging in Hyde Park.
  • A woman has been convicted of murdering her husband. He was a wealthy banker and she a stay-at-home mum.
  • Two prisoners convicted of armed robbery have escaped from Wormwood Scrubs prison in West London.
  • 20 people were killed in 15 different road accidents over the previous weekend.

The stories in which I would use for Channel 4 News from the list above are (in order):
  1. A passenger plane has gone missing whilst flying over the south pacific towards Australia. Four British people are believed to be on board.
  2. A women has been convicted of murdering her husband. He was a wealthy banker and she a stay-at-home mum.
  3. Buckingham Palace has pronounced Prince Harry's engagement.
  4. Israel has shelled a residential area killing around 25 civilians.
  5. Two prisoners convicted of armed robbery have escaped from wormwood scrubs prison in West London.

5) Explain why those stories fit the target audience for the programme you have chosen.
These stories fit the target audience for the programme; Channel 4 News as the target audience for Channel 4 News is: 
  • 18 - 45 years
  • ABC1
  • Educated
  • Graduated
  • More males than female 
Therefore, for example with the story of "Israel has shelled a residential area killing around 25 civilians." this would be a chosen story for Channel four news as it gives an educational approach as it is informing the public about what is also happening abroad and not only national news. Also, since the majority of the target audience is either educated or most likely to be graduates, it would be suitable as they will be aware and know about the technical language in which they would have to use in order to talk about what is happening in Gaza. Lastly, since the target audience age range is 18-45 it would be likely to talk about things in more death such as the killing in which the Israelis went through. 

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Casestudy: BBC News

BBC Newsround

1) Watch yesterday's Newsround on BBC iPlayer (it's on the CBBC channel) plus the YouTube clips here:



How does Newsround use the key conventions of TV news?
Newsround uses the key conventions of:

  • Music whilst they introduce the key headlines 
  • The headlines are introduced before they go into detail on each one
  • They have the presenter talking to the camera during the package
  • They are not biased when introducing stories
Who are the presenters for BBC Newsround? 

Why do Newsround have a variety of presenters?
It is important to have a variety of presenters to appeal to a wider audience also, since BBC is a British broadcasting cooperation it is important to have a wide representation of the UK 

Are any other presenters or reporters used?

What does the studio look like? 
The studio is very futuristic as it has the colour scheme of: White, Blue, purple and pink which also appeals to a young audience as they are bright colours which would appeal MORE to a younger audience than an older audience.

How is technology used in programme?
Technology is used to show the detail of the news stories for example in a TV Bulletin about the UK Election 2015 they had an interview with a significant member of the Labour Party and the children who were interviewing the member all had tablets which influences the idea that they can get more information from online, also, after this interview was finished they had an animated tablet on the screen showing how the audience can get more information about the topic - UK Election 2015 - this was shown through an animated person using it which was shown on the screen.

Another way in which technology is used in the programme is when the presenter (__) announces a new headline the animated screen behind him shows a moving picture relating to the topic that was announced.

Lastly, the programme also uses technology of giving the website for the users to use for more information on the show: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround
What is the opening sequence to Newsround? 
The opening sequence to Newsround is of the presenter talking to the camera about the headlines (fast paced music in the background), this also contains short clips of footage of the related topic
Does it fit the key conventions of TV news?
This fits the key conventions of TV news as it starts of with the Presenter introducing himself to the camera (audience) which almost all TV News programmes start of with, then the presenter leads on to what the headlines of the day is and what s alos coming up.
How does Newsround typically present a news story? (E.g. presenter to camera, reporter on location, interviews, graphics, images, video etc.)
Newsround tend present a news by:

  1. Presenter talking to camera 
  2. Still image with presenter talking over it
  3. Video footage 
  4. Animated screen with more details on the 'tablet' 
  5. Presenter in the studio

Who is the target audience for Newsround? You may want to research this online.
Target audience for newsround is:

  • 6-12 year olds
  • Girls and boys equally 
  • Living in the UK
Is there an opportunity for the audience to get involved in the programme? 

Do young people feature in the news programme at all?
Young people feature in the news programme quite often as they are the main target audience so they can understand and relate in some circumstances with the young people featured in the programme 
What news stories are covered in the broadcasts you have watched? List ALL the stories that are covered AND the order that they appear in. How long does each story appear for?
2nd February 2015 
  1. Elderly disabled man was robbed outside of his home so a girl raised £280,000 to help him.
  2.  Journalist freed after being in jail - friends still in prison
  3. Important scroll that could 'unlock' hidden writing  

BBC3 60 Second News

1) Watch these YouTube clips of the BBC3 60 Second News:

How does the BBC3 60 Second News use the key conventions of TV news?
BBC3 60 second news uses key conventions of TV news as they talkk about news, they introduce the headlines and they have music in the background , however BBC3 60 second is very different to news such as 
Who are the presenters for the BBC3 60 Second News? What do you notice about their age and how they are dressed?
Sam Naz on weekdays and Ben Mundy on Fridays, 
Are any other presenters or reporters used?
There aren't another other presenters or reporters used during the show which is inefficient to some extent as you have the same presenter each time the show is aired which could get boring. 

What does the studio look like? 
The studio is completely animated which would appeal to a younger audience as they have loads of different things happening at the same time on the screen 

How is technology used in programme? How are graphics used in the presentation of the news?
Technology is used in this programme a lot as they repetitive have the banner across the bottom of the screen to go to "the BBC news app, the twitter page or the website" this is encouraging the audience to use technology aswell as using it themselves which is an effective way of using it.

6) What is the opening shot of the BBC3 60 Second News? 
The opening shot of the BBc3 60 second News is of the presenter introducing her/his name informally to the audience and the first news bulletin is introduced due to the fact that it is only 60 seconds long 
Does it fit the key conventions of TV news?
This doesn't completely fit the key conventions of TV News as usually TV news programmes tend to have an introduction of all the news headlines that they will talk about then have a short animation almost like the identity of the TV news programme, therefore this 60 second news is different to a lot of usual TV news and the way that they open their news programme. 
How does the BBC3 60 Second News typically present a news story? (E.g. presenter to camera, reporter on location, interviews, graphics, images, video etc.)
BBC3 60 second News typically present a news story by:

  • Presenter talking to camera
  • Two screens showing separate video footage 
  • Presenter talking over the story

Who is the target audience for the BBC3 60 Second News? You may want to research this online. 

  • 18-34 year olds
  • UK based
  • educated
  • Voter 

Why does the BBC feature news on a predominantly entertainment-based channel?
BBc feature news on a 'predominantly entertainment-based channel as it has to fit their remit of -Educated, inform and entertain' and since their comedy based programmes are entertaining they need a short, snappy way of also informing and educating which has been very successful.
Is there an opportunity for the audience to get involved in the programme? 
There isn't an oppurtunity for young people to get involved in the programme however they do announce a twitter page, a website and an app that young people can use to associate themselves with the programme.
Do young people feature in the news programme at all?
Young people themselves don't tend to feature in the news programme themselves however story's about them are featured for example on the 2nd February 2015, they introduced a story on whether or not the audience knew their 12 times table which  wwas relevant for young people as they are now meant to know their 12 times table by the age of 11 years old. 
What news stories are covered in the broadcasts you have watched? List ALL the stories that are covered AND the order that they appear in. How long does each story appear for?
Journalist who were held in prison for presenting false news 
The famous tennis player Djokavic 
Extension activities

1) Find as many episodes of both Newsround and the BBC3 60 Second News online and embed the videos in your blog.

2) List the stories that each broadcast covers and why these might appeal to the audience for these programmes.

3) Choose the three most memorable stories as examples that you can use in Task 1 in the exam. Why are they good examples that reflect that programme's style?